Carpe Diem

Carpe Diem. Seize the day. I have really always liked that little tid bit of encouragement. If only I paid attention to it more often. Is there a Latin phrase for “seize the couch?”

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This post is really all about my new shoes. I’ve been on the hunt for a pair just like these but had little luck finding a pair that was stylish and comfortable. While perusing the aisles of Target last week I came across these beauties. To my surprise they were both stylish and comfortable! They’re kind of like a mullet: business in the front and party in the back. I’m obsessed.

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I actually love this outfit. I may throw some black tights under the skirt and recycle this outfit for Christmas Eve or Christmas Day at our house. It’s a cute outfit for a hostess! Side note.. it’s getting WAY too cold to shoot outside. I’m going to have to find some creative indoor spaces soon, or else my blog is taking a LONG hiatus! haha, well until next time, kisses!