Last Minute Gift Idea: DIY Sugar Body Scrub

I am legitimately the worst with Christmas gifts… I always have some pretty amazing and thoughtful ideas but I wait until the last minute and then I’m scrambling to throw things together. Case and point: I made these DIY sugar body scrubs last night at 9:30pm for my kids to bring to school for their teachers this morning. I’M THE WORST! But they’re so easy to make and you can literally throw them together with stuff you most likely already have laying around so if you’re like me…. you’re welcome.DIY sugar body scrub

All you need (makes 4 batches)

8 cups granulated sugar

1-1 1/2 cup coconut or almond oil (more or less depending on desired consistency)

red food coloring

extract of your choice: peppermint, vanilla, almond, etc.

small mason jars (I’ve also seen people use recylced Starbucks frappucino bottles – SO cute!)

diy sugar body scrub

STEP 1: Split 2 cups of sugar between two medium mixing bowls. Little by little add the melted oil to each bowl and combine with sugar until most of the oil is absorbed.

diy sugar body scrub

STEP 2: Add a couple of drops of extract to each bowl of sugar. In each batch I created a different scent combination so in one I added 2-3 drops of peppermint extract and in another batch I added vanilla extract to one bowl and almond extract to the other to create a warmer aroma.

DIY sugar body scrub

STEP 3: Add red food coloring to one of the bowls of sugar. I made a few batches and switched up the consistency in each. I made a darker batch and lighter pink batch. ** TIP: I add the food coloring to the sugar I’ve mixed with vanilla extract to mask the yellowish color.

diy sugar scrub

STEP 4: Layer the different sugars in a small mason jar until you reach the top, and boom. You’re done.

diy sugar scrub diy sugar scrub

These make amazing gifts for teachers, extended family, friends for a girl’s night gift exchange, your boyfriend’s mama, really anyone. I’d be quite thrilled to get one of these myself, to be honest. A few things worth noting: you can use extract OR essential oils, they serve the same purpose. If you use almond oil or coconut oil it is safe to use on your face as this particular type of oil does not clog your pores. Welp that’s it guys! Hope everyone you give these to LOVES them! Happy holidays! :]

diy sugar scrub

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